Realizing I Wasn’t Cut Out for Traditional Employment

Realizing I Wasn't Cut Out for Traditional Employment

As many of you know, I left my day job last year and now work for myself from home. I quit in September 2013, and my last day was in October. I haven’t regretted that decision for a moment.

Here are the reasons why I knew I couldn’t keep working for someone else. My day job wasn’t enjoyable, although it did pay the bills. Just like freelancing isn’t for everyone, my day job wasn’t for me either.

I used to dread Sundays and Mondays. Sundays were awful because I knew I had work the next day. Mondays were even worse because I had to go to a job that was both boring and stressful. I worked independently and had no one to talk to, and even when I met with clients, they were older businessmen. So, not only was the work terrible, but there was no social life at the company or in the industry.

Since I started freelancing full-time, I actually look forward to every day. I’m excited about new leads and working with my current clients. I enjoy everything I do! Even though I work from home, my social life is much better than it was when I had my day job—I talk to other freelancers, friends, and family all day long.

My vacations at my day job were okay, but they could have been better and longer. I got about three weeks of vacation each year, but work would pile up on my desk until I returned, and I’d have to work extra hours to catch up. The days leading up to a vacation were stressful too because of all the work that had to be done before I left. If I had stayed and become Vice President, I’d have even more responsibilities and be on-call 24/7, which was a nightmare to think about. Those three weeks of vacation also had to cover any sicknesses or family emergencies, so it added up quickly.

My side income eventually became higher than my day job income, making it hard to stay motivated at my day job. I realized that sacrificing my happiness wasn’t worth it anymore.

I also saw others around me hating their jobs. After landing my first “professional” job after college, I noticed how much others genuinely hated their jobs. I knew I didn’t want that for myself. I saw the potential in my side hustles and decided to go for it, hoping it would all work out because anything was better than my current situation.

At my day job, I didn’t feel in control. Even though I was a great worker, I felt like I was always tiptoeing around. Now, as my own boss, I feel much more in control. I can decide what I want to do, what I don’t want to do, and when I want to do it. I can create a flexible schedule that works best for me and grow my business in the ways I desire.

I knew I couldn’t keep wasting their time and mine. My heart wasn’t in the work I did. The job might be perfect for someone else, but it wasn’t for me. I couldn’t waste any more of their time or mine by continuing to work there.

Do you ever want to work for yourself? Why or why not?

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