How Launching My Blog Earned Me an Additional $1,258

How Launching My Blog Earned Me an Additional $1,258

Hey everyone! Happy Monday. Hope you all had a great weekend. I can’t believe it’s already June; this year is flying by!

We had a pretty chill weekend, mostly relaxing and doing some side hustle work. This Thursday, I have the day off, and we’re taking our engagement photos. W isn’t thrilled because he doesn’t like photos, but I’m excited to get some pictures of us and the dogs. I’m aiming for natural-looking shots instead of the usual posed ones. I’ll share them with you all once I have them.

Something funny happened the other day. I got an email from a reader who said my blog is helpful. We started chatting and discovered we went to the same high school and live in the same town! Small world, right?

Quick reminder: Google Reader is shutting down in a couple of weeks, so make sure to switch to a new reader. I’ve been using Bloglovin and really like it. What are you switching to?

Student Loan Update:
My student loans are almost gone, and I’ll have them paid off by the end of this month. Despite some delays, I’m thrilled with my progress. Not having to put thousands of dollars towards loans each month will be such a relief!

We did spend some money last week, mainly on new clothes for W for the engagement photos. We spent around $200, but he needed the clothes anyway, so it was worth it.

Extra Income:
Extra income was good last week, though I’m still waiting on a few payments. Hopefully, I’ll get them this week since some are quite overdue.

I also launched my new blog, Diversified Finances, over the weekend! There’s not much on it yet, but I couldn’t wait to share it with you. This blog will focus on how I’m diversifying my finances and working towards financial independence.

Some of you might wonder why I started a second blog. I wanted to bring Making Sense of Cents back to personal finance topics and not focus entirely on side hustles. I have a ton of ideas for side hustle posts (over 50!), so a second blog seemed like a good idea. I plan to post 2 to 3 times a week on Diversified Finances.

I’m still figuring out where to post my extra income updates. Should they go on this blog or the new one? They fit better on the new blog, but they’re a big part of Making Sense of Cents. Let me know what you think in the comments.

Being Healthy:
I’ve been doing great with staying healthy. I did eat unhealthy yesterday, but overall, I’ve been eating well and working out regularly. I try to run or walk at least a mile with our dog each day (the other dog doesn’t walk much). I also aim to run about 4 miles every other day and work out daily. Having a gym in our basement and a cute pup to run with is fantastic. I’m thinking of setting a monthly goal to run/walk at least 100 miles. It’s a lot, but I think it’s doable.

How have you been doing with your extra income, spending, and staying healthy?

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