Balancing Blogging and Parenting: My Journey with Three Young Kids

Balancing Blogging and Parenting: My Journey with Three Young Kids

Michelle’s quick note: Today, I have a great post from Dan on how he manages to blog with three kids under three. Dan Palmer takes a holistic approach to personal finance, covering everything from the reasons behind financial decisions to practical frugal living tips and investment strategies.

Anyone who has seriously tried blogging knows it takes a lot of time. Crafting quality posts, maintaining your site, promoting on social media, networking with other bloggers, doing research, and responding to comments all require significant effort. This is especially true for those who blog while holding a full-time job. On top of that, I have three kids under three.

I’m not looking for sympathy; no one is forcing me to blog. I knew what I was getting into, and I love spending time with my kids. But you might still think I’m crazy. Maybe I am. Most bloggers probably are. You can easily put in a thousand hours with little or no financial compensation in the first few months or even years. Yet, every blogger I know says it’s worth it. Otherwise, they wouldn’t keep doing it. I’m no different. If it wasn’t worth it, I would have stopped long ago.

Why I Find Time to Blog:
I blog about personal finance because I believe my voice adds value to the conversation. I hope my insights help inform, motivate, and inspire readers to improve or stay on track with their finances. I also blog for personal reasons. Blogging forces me to practice writing and keeps me accountable. Knowing people might notice if I stop writing keeps me going. Seeing my writing improve over time is encouraging.

Blogging also benefits my own personal finance. Researching for posts teaches me new things or reminds me of forgotten lessons. When I advise readers to take certain actions, I feel obligated to follow my own advice. For example, when tempted to finance a new car, I remember how often I’ve cautioned against it and reconsider.

Additionally, I blog for the potential income. Blogging isn’t a get-rich-quick scheme, but it can be a viable way to make a living. Michelle has proven this, and many others are making healthy incomes from their blogs. Can anyone turn a blog into a full-time job? I think so. Will everyone succeed? Probably not. But the possibility of blogging full-time keeps me motivated on tough days.

Although full-time blogging requires even more work than part-time, I hope it will offer the freedom and flexibility to work on my terms, spend more time with my family, and reach financial independence faster.

How I Find Time to Blog:
Balancing blogging with three young kids and a job is challenging. My wife and I juggle schedules to ensure someone is always home with the kids since we don’t use daycare. Writing while the kids are awake is impossible. My most productive time is at 4:00 AM before anyone else is awake. Three days a week, I have to be at work early, so I don’t write those mornings. On the other four days, I get up early and write until the kids wake up or I have to go to work. This is when I get most of my post writing done.

Other blogging tasks, which don’t require long periods of undivided attention, are squeezed into short chunks of free time throughout the week. This might be after the kids go to sleep, during nap times, or whenever I find a few free minutes. Sometimes, I have to stop mid-task to deal with a child’s needs.

Is It Worth It?
Finding time to blog with a young family isn’t easy. There are many mornings I’d rather keep sleeping when my 4:00 AM alarm goes off. But I remind myself of my self-imposed deadlines and push through. Even on vacation, I stick to my early writing schedule. This dedication means I’m often ready for bed by the end of the day, but the posts must be written.

Squeezing in blogging tasks sometimes means I’m not as present with my wife and kids as I’d like to be. I haven’t read a book or watched a movie for leisure in ages. There’s always something more to do on the blog, so that’s where I spend my free time.

Some might think it’s not worth it, that I’m trading my life for this blog. What if it doesn’t go anywhere? Wouldn’t it be a waste? Everyone would answer differently. It comes down to personal priorities. I enjoy writing and don’t mind giving up leisure time. I still find time for my family, but I have to be intentional about not checking my blog constantly.

It helps that my wife supports this hobby. She doesn’t resent the time I spend on it and even helps by proofreading posts and managing social media.

So, am I making sacrifices? Yes. Is it hard? Absolutely. Is it worth it? Definitely.

The bottom line is that any pursuit in life will conflict with other aspects of your life. You’ll always have to make sacrifices and set priorities. Whether you’re blogging, starting a business, or aiming for a promotion, you’ll face challenges. You might decide it’s not worth it, and that’s okay. It’s your life and your decisions. But whatever you choose to do, do it well. Make the necessary sacrifices and avoid excuses.

How do you find time in your busy schedule?

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