Debunking Popular Misconceptions About Remote Work

Debunking Popular Misconceptions About Remote Work

I’ve been working from home for a few months now, and I’ve come across several myths about it. Whether you’re self-employed with a home office or telecommuting for someone else, you’ve probably heard some of these too.

I love working from home and wouldn’t change it for anything. But some of the things people say about it really make me laugh. Working from home is still work.

I get that not everyone works from home (though I read somewhere that 30% of workers do), and it might seem impossible, but it’s achievable if you want it. Also, I’m not upset by what people say because I used to think some of these things myself.

Here are some common myths about working from home:

**You’ll have time to work out all the time.**
I thought this would be true for me, especially since I have a full gym in my basement. While I have improved my workout routine, it took a long time to get there, and I’m still not perfect. I tend to wait until most of my work is done before working out, which is part of the problem. I need to set a schedule and stick to it to stop making excuses.

**Aren’t all work-from-home jobs scams?**
When I tell people what I do, they often don’t believe it and think most home businesses are scams. I get why, given how many scams are out there. But not all work-from-home jobs are scams. I run a legitimate business, just like anyone else.

**It’s easy to just stop working.**
If you have your own business, it can be really hard to completely stop working. Even on trips, I often work just as much as I do at home. As a business owner, especially in the beginning, you want to work hard to make your business successful. Separating work and life can be tough.

**You’re not actually working.**
Many people think working from home means not working at all. They’re so wrong! I’ve even had people ask for a full schedule of my day to prove I actually work. I work harder now than ever before.

**You will spend all of your time on social media.**
I thought I’d be on social media all the time, but I actually use sites like Twitter and Facebook less than when I had a day job. Though I probably still use them too much!

**You won’t have a social life.**
People often ask if I get lonely working from home. Before I became self-employed, I worked alone in an office with little human contact, so no, I don’t get lonely. I talk to people all day, just not face-to-face.

**You will spend all of your time in pajamas.**
This one is true for me. I wear pajamas so much that I joke about it. But don’t worry, I still do my hair and makeup every day. Yoga pants are just part of my daily outfit now.

What myths have you heard? Has anyone else experienced the same things?

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