The Essential Role of Email Lists for Every Blogger

The Essential Role of Email Lists for Every Blogger

My biggest mistake with blogging was waiting years to start an email list and even longer to take it seriously. It wasn’t until around 2016, when I was about to launch my course, “Making Sense of Affiliate Marketing,” that I realized I needed an email list. Before that, I collected a few email addresses here and there but did nothing with them. I didn’t even have a way for people to subscribe on my blog, “Making Sense of Cents.”

When I started creating my course, I knew I had to learn everything about building an email list. I had no idea how to send a newsletter or get people to join my list. Looking back, I wish I had started my email list when I first began blogging. In just the past three years of taking it seriously, I have over 100,000 subscribers. If I had started earlier, I might have double or triple that number. But, there’s no point dwelling on the past.

So, I’m here to tell you: start an email list for your blog right now. Don’t wait until tomorrow or next year. I regret not focusing on my newsletter sooner, but I’ve learned from my mistake. That’s why I recommend all bloggers spend time growing their email list.

Here’s why every blogger should have an email list:

1. **It’s Easy to Start Email Marketing for Your Blog**
Many people think starting an email list is hard or don’t know the first step. I was completely confused about email lists and delayed starting mine for years. But creating an email list is easier than you think. For example, Constant Contact provides video tutorials, customizable email templates, real-time tracking tools, and more to help you get started.

2. **Your Newsletter Is All Yours**
Unlike social media platforms like Instagram, Pinterest, and Facebook, your newsletter and email subscribers are entirely yours. You don’t have to worry about algorithms hiding your content or your account being deleted. By having your own email list, you control your audience, which can help improve page views, increase income, and give you control over your business.

3. **The Money Is in Your List**
According to Business Insider, 98.4% of consumers check their email daily. I believe email is the best way to promote affiliate products and sell your own products. Your email subscribers specifically signed up to hear from you, so you have their attention, which often leads to more sales.

4. **Your Email Subscribers Are Loyal Followers**
If someone allows you to show up in their inbox, they probably trust and enjoy what you have to say. This helps you grow a loyal audience.

5. **Email Is a Great Way to Deliver Other Forms of Content**
With an email list, you can create free email courses that are automatically sent to your subscribers. This makes it easy for readers to get the information they need, delivered on a schedule you choose.

So, how do you create an email list for your blog? First, find an email marketing service. I recommend checking out Constant Contact. They offer great customer service and a free 60-day trial with no credit card required. Constant Contact allows you to send welcome emails automatically, trigger email series based on clicks, segment subscribers by interests, and more. They also offer powerful list-building tools and are very affordable.

Do you have an email list? Why or why not?

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