An Extra $4,273 and Personal Life Happenings…

An Extra $4,273 and Personal Life Happenings…

Happy Wednesday, everyone!

I decided to switch my Weekly Update post to today since Monday was Christmas Eve. I’m at work today (anyone else?). I missed posting last week, so this update is a bit of a combo.

First off, a big thank you to everyone who provided guest posts while I was on vacation. We had an amazing time, especially since W finally proposed!

I’m a bit of a planning fanatic, so I already have lots of wedding ideas. My Pinterest board is overflowing! I’m leaning towards a semi-formal, outdoor wedding and have a few locations in mind.

I hope you won’t mind a few wedding posts here and there. I don’t plan to go overboard, but since this blog is about my life, there will definitely be some wedding content. My male readers, you’ve been warned!

Our vacation was fantastic, and I’ll be posting about it soon. St. Thomas and St. John were incredible. If you haven’t been, you should definitely go!

We had our work Christmas party on Friday, and I got a huge bonus, an iPad, and a gift card. With this bonus and some extra income this month, I plan to put around $15,000 towards my student loans and save or spend the rest.

Here are my updates:

We did okay with spending. We still have some Christmas shopping left (W’s family’s Christmas is this Sunday). We’ll likely spend around $200 on gifts for his immediate family.

We also bought my sister an iPad, which was an unexpected purchase. We originally planned to get her a Kindle, but the iPad, which cost around $450 with taxes, was worth it. She’s thrilled with it. I’ve made a good amount of extra income this month, so it helped cover the cost.

W bought a North Face coat for $200. At first, I was unsure, but then we remembered he had some extra bonus money on a direct deposit card, which covered the cost. It’s nice to spend money you forgot you had!

I also spent $130 on two New Year’s Eve tickets for us. All our friends are going to an open bar, and it’ll be fun! We considered a place that would’ve cost $200 plus a $100 taxi ride, but it didn’t seem worth it. By the way, I’m still hunting for a NYE dress. Have you found one? Let me know where!

Extra Income:
I made $4,273 in the past two weeks, which is more than I expected for the whole month. I thought December would be slow because of the holidays, so I’m thrilled with this amount. I hope each month keeps getting better! Thanks to everyone who signed up for my Ebates referral link!

I made a meal plan this week. Check out my Sunday Meal Plan. We’re focusing on eating at home more now that we’re back from vacation. The holidays make it easier since we’ll be attending lots of parties.

Being Healthy:
Not great here. No comment! Haha. I didn’t gain any weight, but I’ve been eating a lot and haven’t worked out in ages. It’s hard to care about being toned when it’s freezing outside and swimsuit season is months away.

How’s your spending, working out, and extra income going?

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