Pursuing Your Passion: More Than Mere Serendipity

Pursuing Your Passion: More Than Mere Serendipity

Even though this post is titled “Following Your Passion Is Not Just Luck,” I feel incredibly fortunate to run my own business and do what I love.

Being self-employed has been fantastic for me so far, and I can’t believe I ever doubted what having my own business would be like. I worked really hard to get here. For over five years, I juggled work and school for about 16 hours a day, five to seven days a week. I believe that all that hard work led me to where I am today.

I’m still working hard, but thankfully not those grueling 16-hour days anymore. I’ve become better at managing my time and being more efficient, which has been great for me and probably for those around me since I’m not as cranky.

Here’s what I think it takes to become successful and do what you love:

You need a plan.

Someone once told me that if you have to plan it out, it’s not your passion. They thought that if it were your passion, you’d never have to do anything you didn’t want to do and that everything would just fall into place. That didn’t make any sense to me.

To get what you want, you’ll have to do things that might not be fun. One of those things is making plans and setting goals to reach your dream job.

You’ll probably want to ask yourself several questions:
– What do you love to do?
– What are your goals?
– Do you see yourself doing this long-term?
– Can you actually make money doing what you want? Can you live off that income?
– How can you start with your passion? How long will it take?

You need to create a realistic plan for when and how you can follow your passion. You might not get your dream job right away, and it may take some time. However, with a good plan and actionable steps, you can reach your dream job.

It might not always be fun.

Pursuing what you want might mean making sacrifices. There were many times when I lost sleep, often getting just three to four hours a night. I used to wake up at 6 a.m. for work, finish around 5:15 p.m., start classes at 5:30 p.m., and not get home until 10:30 p.m. Many people do the same thing and have kids, all to reach their dreams. Honestly, I don’t know how some people fit everything into their day.

You just have to keep thinking about your end goal and what you’re working towards.

You will have to take a leap of faith.

The scariest part of following your passion is actually making the leap. You will be nervous and scared. I don’t think I’ve ever heard of anyone who wasn’t scared to follow their passion. It’s completely normal. However, if you follow a realistic plan and work hard, then following your passion should be attainable.

Do you think being able to follow your passion is just luck? What tips do you have for someone wanting to follow their passion?

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