Celebrating Two Years of Blogging

Celebrating Two Years of Blogging

Hey everyone! This week marks two years since I started blogging, back on August 10, 2011. It’s wild to look back at my first post!

When I began, I was a total mess and probably did everything a “bad blogger” could do. But I quickly got hooked and made a lot of amazing friends. There are so many bloggers I adore, but listing them all would be overwhelming.

In the last two years, my life has changed a lot. In August 2011, I was working full-time, studying for my Finance MBA, and struggling financially with a lot of student loan debt. Neither W nor I had side jobs, and our income was much lower. Our housing costs took up about 30% of our income, and we spent a lot on unnecessary things, especially eating out multiple times a day. We didn’t even have a budget.

On a personal note, I was dealing with the loss of my father and many family issues, which was really tough. I had to start raising my sister, which I wasn’t prepared for. Everything reminded me of my dad, and it was hard to cope.

Starting the blog was a great outlet for me, and it still is. Things have improved a lot, especially financially. W and I have been together for over seven years, and we’re doing great. My sister has grown into an amazing young lady, and reconnecting with my dad’s side of the family, though challenging, has been rewarding.

We’ve realized that we can’t let money control our lives and that it’s important to enjoy the little things. I also plan to follow my passions, which is risky but brings more excitement and happiness. I never thought I’d pay off my student loans so quickly—it still shocks me.

Blogging, especially about personal finance, has changed my life for the better. I highly recommend starting a blog to others.

For most of my blogging journey, I was somewhat anonymous. But a few months ago, W told some people, and now everyone knows. It’s different and a bit scary since I feel like I have less privacy, but I’m okay with being more open.

You all are awesome. Without you, I don’t know where I’d be. I get a lot of emails every day about various topics, including family issues and personal finance questions. Your emails make me stronger, and I love the interaction.

I enjoy receiving emails, comments, tweets, and feedback from you all. I love publishing Reader Question posts and discussing whatever I want on my blog. Thank you for reading, and I hope you continue to enjoy my content for years to come.

Also, I recently published a post on “What Not To Do When Leaving Your Job,” with real-life examples of crazy job-quitting stories. Check it out and share your own stories!

Lastly, SwagBucks is running a promotion in August. Any referral of mine who earns at least 50 Swag Bucks through various activities will be entered into a drawing for a $50 gift card from the SwagBucks’ Rewards Store.

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