Enjoy Better Weather and an Additional $1,916

Enjoy Better Weather and an Additional $1,916

Hey everyone! Hope you had a fantastic weekend. Ours was nice and relaxing, but it flew by too quickly. The past week was pretty dull, but that’s not necessarily a bad thing. Heads up, on Wednesday, May 1st, I’ll be sharing my April goals update and extra income post, so check back for that!

### Spending
We didn’t do much shopping last week, aside from groceries. It was definitely a cheap week for us! We’re considering buying a kayak for the spring and summer. We’ve wanted one for a while, and we have a gift card for Cabela’s that would cover the cost. Who wouldn’t want a free kayak?

We also have some home improvement projects lined up, which will mean more spending down the road. I’ll be posting soon about all the updates our house needs. We finally did our spring cleanup—cleaned the gutters, raked leaves, and hauled away a lot of garbage after the tornado. The house looks much better now, and I bet our neighbors appreciate it.

### Extra Income
Our extra income was about the same as the previous week, which is great. I’m waiting on payments from a few people, and I hope those come through soon. I’m also looking to dive deeper into passive income, but I need more time to focus on it.

I’ve been thinking a lot about Lending Club and peer-to-peer lending. Before I started blogging, I didn’t know much about it, but it seems like a hot topic among other bloggers. Are you involved in peer-to-peer lending? What are your thoughts? If you have any great posts about it, please share them below.

Also, I’d love to hear about any other ways you make extra income. If you’re interested in guest posting on my blog about paying off debt, side hustles, etc., shoot me an email. I love sharing guest posts because it helps everyone learn about different readers and bloggers.

### Food
I’m doing well with eating healthier. I’m trying to cut back on bread because I can easily eat a whole container of croissants or Hawaiian rolls in one sitting. Avoiding the snack aisles at the grocery store seems to be helping, too. We spent about $100 on groceries last week, and we’re confident it will last us a while, especially since our fridge was already packed. If you have any good recipes, please share them below!

### Being Healthy
I’ve been doing great with running and working out more. I’ve been trying to run 3 or 4 miles every day, and I’ve also been running with my dog every day.

How have you been doing with your extra income, spending, and staying healthy?

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