How Addictive Side Hustles Can Derail Your Life

How Addictive Side Hustles Can Derail Your Life

Today, I want to share a post from a friend in the personal finance blogging community. Enjoy!

I’ve recently started a side hustle, and it’s amazing how quickly it can become addictive. I find myself wanting to spend all my free time working on my blog. Even when I’m doing other things, my mind drifts back to it. It’s tough to keep side hustle thoughts at bay.

Questions like “What should I write about next?”, “How can I improve my site layout?”, and “What are better ways to network?” constantly pop up. This level of dedication can be great for long-term success, but if you get too obsessed, it can negatively impact other important areas of your life.

Many of you know how much time and effort Michelle from Making Sense of Cents has put into her side hustles over the years. She often works 80 to 100 hours a week, which is like having more than two full-time jobs! She’s very organized and efficient, but even she probably has to make some sacrifices.

As for me, I work as a senior financial analyst at a Fortune 50 company. My job is demanding, often requiring 50+ hours a week. I’m also married and have a one-year-old son. These commitments are my top priorities, and while I’m driven to make my side hustles successful, I know I need to balance them with the rest of my life. If I don’t, the negative consequences could make my side hustle efforts not worth it.

Here are some areas I sometimes neglect and how I try to balance them:

**Physical Health**
We all want to be healthy, but focusing too much on side hustles can hinder that. No amount of satisfaction or money from side hustles is worth sacrificing your health.

– **Sleep**: It’s tempting to work all the time, but lack of sleep can make you less productive. Stick to a schedule and have a cutoff time each night.
– **Diet**: It’s easy to grab fast food when you’re busy, but healthy choices fuel your body better. Swap that burger for a salad, even if it takes more time.
– **Water**: Many of us don’t drink enough water, which can sap your energy. Keep a water bottle handy to stay hydrated.
– **Exercise**: You don’t need hours at the gym. Short, intense workouts each day can be very effective.

**Mental Health**
Mental health is just as important as physical health. The daily grind can be overwhelming, leading to burnout if you don’t take care of your mental wellbeing.

– **Take Breaks**: Pause throughout the day to clear your mind. Deep breaths or some fresh air can help.
– **Don’t Be Too Hard on Yourself**: Everyone makes mistakes. Don’t beat yourself up over them or if things don’t go as planned.
– **Make Time for Yourself**: Enjoy some “me time” with a good book or your favorite TV show.
– **Laugh**: Laughter can relax you and improve your mood.
– **Meditate**: Set aside time to meditate and clear your mind.
– **Social Interaction**: Spend time with friends and family. Social media doesn’t count; real interactions are crucial.

It’s easy to neglect relationships when you’re caught up in your side hustle. If it’s cutting into family time, your loved ones might start to resent it.

– **Prioritize**: Make time for those who matter. Show your significant other some affection and play with your kids.
– **Quality Over Quantity**: Focus on quality time with your loved ones. Have meaningful conversations or play games rather than just watching TV together.

Do you find your side hustle conflicts with other priorities in life? What tactics do you use to balance everything? Would you give up your side hustle if it started causing conflicts?

About the author: Jeff, also known as Mr. Utopia in the blogging world, is a senior financial analyst at a Fortune 50 company. A devoted husband and father, Jeff runs Personal Finance Utopia in his free time, where he shares his family’s journey to achieve ideal personal finances.

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