Boost Your August Earnings: Exploring Affiliate Income Opportunities

Boost Your August Earnings: Exploring Affiliate Income Opportunities

Hey everyone! I hope you all enjoyed a fun and relaxing long weekend. On Monday, I shared my August Goals and Life Update, mentioning my aim to earn $10K in side hustle income.

I almost hit this target. Before deducting fees and expenses, I did reach it, but after those deductions, I fell short. August was slower than usual, partly because I took a vacation. However, I did see an increase in the number of bids I submitted and received numerous emails from business owners interested in hiring me. Hopefully, some of these opportunities will work out!

Even though August was slower, it gave me a taste of self-employment. I managed to take a vacation and still came close to my income goal. In August, I made $10,310 in extra income before expenses. Last August, I made $1,603, so I’m definitely proud of my progress. What a difference a year makes! I used to think other freelancers who posted their income were just lucky.

Keep in mind, this extra income isn’t passive. I spend many hours each day on my side hustles. I’ve been working on this for a while, and for about a year, I didn’t make any money but still put in full-time hours. Taxes also take about 30% to 40% of my extra income, which is something not everyone considers.

Here’s a breakdown of my expenses: approximately $755 went towards staff writing on my blog, working with FITnancials, PayPal fees, etc. After these expenses, I made around $9,554. This figure includes a rent payment from my sister but doesn’t count income from blogs I help run—only my actual earnings from my services.

Blog News
Everything is going great with my blog. Last month marked my 2-year blog anniversary, and I still can’t believe it’s been that long. Life has changed so much since I started blogging. My sister’s blog is also doing well. She’s planning a move to Chicago, so follow her journey on FITnancials.

If you’re thinking about starting a blog, check out my post on How To Start a Blog. One of my most popular posts last month was How To Make Money Blogging.

Staff Writing
My staff writing has decreased lately, but I’d like to ramp it up again. I enjoy writing and have many ideas for blog posts. Many of you have asked how I make $600 a month from staff writing. I have one lucrative job that pays well, which helps. Don’t undersell yourself!

If you need a staff writer or content writer, let me know. I can write regular content, fill gaps in your writing schedule, or create content for advertising. My turnaround is quick, and I’m reliable.

Update on New Side Hustles – Blog and Social Media Management
My blog management side hustle is going well. Managing different blogs has helped increase my extra income over the past few months. I’d like to help more website owners, as I truly enjoy it. I’ve also been bidding on more social media management jobs and hope some of these come through.

I’ve received many emails from readers and bloggers wanting me to be a blog consultant. I’m considering starting this up again. What would you look for in a blog consultant? What value would you see in it?

I’m also thinking about starting a niche site. The technical terms sound confusing, but I’m interested in seeing if I can create a successful niche site. Any recommendations for good articles on niche sites?

Interested in becoming a virtual assistant? Read about what a virtual assistant does.

Affiliate Income – I’m on a Quest
Affiliate income has been on my mind, but I haven’t done much with it lately. Thanks for clicking on my links from months ago. I’d like to increase my affiliate income by publishing new posts. I’m exploring more affiliate programs and have received emails about different programs to join and review. I’ll only review products I find useful.

What would you like to see more of? Reviews on budgeting programs, classes, or credit cards? Let me know!

Offline Side Hustles
I’ve been thinking about offline side hustles. I have many ideas but need to keep them secret for now. They would be more of a hobby with the hope of making some money.

Once I switch to self-employment, I want to ramp up my efforts. I’m eager to get my freelancing services out there. What offline side hustles do you have?

Extra Monthly Income in August (after expenses)
– Staff writing: $600
– Blog (managing other bloggers’ websites, my blogs – direct advertising and Adsense): $8,204
– Affiliate Income: $425
– Virtual Assistant tasks: $0
– Selling Clothes: $0
– Miscellaneous (not related to blogging and online income): $0
– Mystery Shopping: $0
– Rent (we rent a room in our house to my sister): $325

Comparisons and 2013 Extra Income Total (after expenses, but before taxes)
– Total extra income for August: $9,554
– Income in July: $11,117
– Difference: -$1,563
– Total so far in 2013: $66,711 (WOOHOO!)

How did you do in August? What are your extra income goals?

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