Aspiring to Freelance Writing: Your Journey Begins Here

Aspiring to Freelance Writing: Your Journey Begins Here

Last week, I kicked off my series on Ways to Earn Extra Income. Many of you had questions, so I thought I’d continue with some tips on becoming a freelance or staff writer. For simplicity, let’s consider a staff writer to be the same as a freelance writer.

Before September, I never imagined I’d be doing staff writing. But once I started, I found that I really enjoyed it. I love writing, even though I know I’m not perfect and could use more proofreading. Writing for different blogs has been a lot of fun.

And let’s be honest, the money is a nice perk too. Writing about topics I enjoy from the comfort of my home is fantastic. I try to put all my extra earnings towards my $38,000 student loan payoff plan.

I began freelance writing in September 2012. I did make some mistakes, though. I took on too much work, and my own blog suffered as a result. The content on my blog wasn’t at its best when I was juggling too many assignments. Fortunately, some of those assignments were short-term, and I eventually found the right balance.

Here are my tips on how to become a freelance writer:

1. **Start Slowly:**
Don’t overload yourself like I did. It’s easy to think you can handle multiple blogs, but you can quickly get overwhelmed. Start by taking on one assignment at a time. Figure out how many blogs or websites you want to write for and how often. Make sure you’re comfortable before adding more to your plate.

2. **Find Your Niche:**
There are countless blogs, websites, and magazines you can write for, covering a wide range of topics like travel, fashion, home, DIY, personal finance, pets, and family. Write about what you know. For example, if you don’t travel, travel blogging might not be for you. Stick to your strengths.

3. **Promote Yourself:**
Let people know you’re available for freelance writing. I got my first staff writing gig from an unexpected email. After that, I posted on Yakezie, a personal finance community, and received more offers. Job boards like ProBlogger are also great resources. If you have a blog, add a “Hire Me” tab to let others know you’re available.

4. **Ensure Top Quality:**
Always produce high-quality work. Good articles can lead to referrals and more job opportunities. Don’t rush your writing. I keep a notepad on my phone for article ideas because my best ideas often come when I’m not actively thinking about them. A well-researched and proofread article can take 1.5 to 2 hours or more, depending on the topic.

5. **Start Your Own Blog:**
Having your own blog can help you land freelance writing gigs. It showcases your writing style and quality. Make sure your blog posts are high-quality because this is how potential clients will judge your work. Starting a blog is a great way to break into freelance writing. I have tips on my Extra Income page about starting a blog, so check that out.

6. **Know Your Worth:**
Different niches and websites have different pay rates. Decide what you want to charge and stick to it. Don’t undercharge and then feel like you’re not being paid enough for your effort. Consider factors like the niche, word count, and research required. A 500-word article won’t be worth as much as a 2,000-word article. Know your value and charge accordingly.

Do you do any freelance writing? Do you have any tips to share on how to start? How do you find freelance writing jobs?

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