Hello Everyone! Kicking Off My First Post

Hello Everyone! Kicking Off My First Post

Hey everyone! I’m super excited to kick off my own blog. I’ve been wanting to do this for a while, and now I finally have the time to dive in.

I’m 22 years old and have some debt. I still owe a bit on my car loan, about $25,000 in student loans (from both my undergraduate degrees and two semesters of my MBA), and I have a mortgage. I don’t have any credit card debt and never have. I do use a credit card, but I pay off the full balance every month and have never carried a balance forward.

My boyfriend and I bought a house when we were just 20, close to where I grew up. We also have two dogs that I absolutely adore. I have two business degrees and am currently working on my MBA, along with some finance certifications for my career.

The reason I started this blog is that I’ve read tons of articles on various finance websites, and I decided I wanted to share what I know and what I’m learning. I think having my own blog will help me track my progress and assist others along the way.

I’ll be sharing frugal finds, investing tips, saving advice, and more.

Let’s start Making Sense of Cents!

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