Melissa’s Journey to Earning $40,000 in a Year Through Item Flipping

Melissa's Journey to Earning $40,000 in a Year Through Item Flipping

Today, I want to share a fun interview that will teach you how to buy and sell items through flipping. I recently chatted with Melissa Stephenson from Flea Market Flipper, and she explained how this could be a viable option for you.

In 2015, Melissa’s family made $42,875 from flipping items, working just 10-20 hours a week. By the next year, they hit $133,000! Since then, they’ve consistently earned a great income from this business.

Some of their best flips include:
– Buying an item for $10 and selling it for $200 just six minutes later.
– Purchasing a security tower for $6,200 and flipping it for $25,000 in a month.
– Finding a prosthetic leg for $30 at a flea market and selling it for $1,000 on eBay the next day.

Melissa also offers a helpful webinar titled “Turn Your Passion For Visiting Thrift Stores, Yard Sales & Flea Markets Into A Profitable Reselling Business In As Little As 14 Days” to teach you how to make money by flipping items.

If you’re looking for a new job or a side hustle, buying and selling through flipping might be worth exploring. Check out the interview below for more insights.

1. Can you tell us a bit about yourself, how you got started, and how flipping is going for you now?
Hi Michelle! Thanks for having me. I’m Melissa Stephenson, and my husband Rob and I buy used items and resell them online. It started as a side income but has become our main source of earnings. Rob began flipping when he was 16 and was one of eBay’s first users. His mom used to go to yard sales and resell baby items, making a decent side income for their family of nine.

We now do this while staying home with our three young kids, which has saved us from paying for daycare.

2. What’s the best item you’ve ever flipped?
We’ve had some interesting items over the past 10 years. The fastest flip was a parachute harness we bought for $10 and sold for $200 in six minutes. The most profitable flip was a security tower we bought for $6,200 and sold for $25,000 in a month. The most unique flip was a prosthetic leg we bought for $30 and sold for $1,000 the next day.

3. What exactly is a flipper?
A flipper buys something at a lower price and sells it at a higher price. Think of shows like American Pickers and Storage Wars. People buy items from one market and sell them in another, often with some work in between.

4. How do you make a living through flipping?
We’ve been flipping items part-time for years, but over the last four years, it has become a significant part of our income. We also have small side incomes from my health and nutrition network marketing and Rob’s home insurance inspections.

5. What do you like about flipping items?
We love the time flexibility. With three young kids, I work on our business when they nap or after they go to bed. Rob and I enjoy visiting flea markets and yard sales together. We also love not answering to a boss and being able to take vacations whenever we want. Plus, our kids get to play with new toys all the time!

6. How much have you earned by flipping items?
In 2015, we made $42,875 working 10-20 hours a week. In 2016, we made $133,000 working 15-30 hours a week. While there are no guarantees, with effort, you can make a few hundred to a few thousand dollars per month.

7. How does someone start a flipping business?
Anyone can do this. You just need access to the Internet and a camera or smartphone. We started teaching an online course called Flipper University in 2015 to help people get started.

8. How much time does it take to start and maintain a flipping business?
It depends on your income goals. You can start with 5-10 hours a week and make $500-$1,000 a month initially, growing to a few thousand dollars as you gain experience.

9. Who does a flipper typically sell to?
This depends on your niche. We encourage people to start with items they are passionate about. Most of our buyers are from eBay, so we usually only know their username and shipping address.

10. How much does it cost to start and maintain a flipping business?
It can be very low-cost to start. You can even begin with zero cost if you find free items to flip. We suggest budgeting $20-$100 for the first month to buy items you can sell for a profit.

For example, we recently bought three bedbug machines for $250 and sold them for $3,000. While eBay and PayPal take a cut, reaching a larger market makes it worth it.

If you’re interested in flipping, start by exploring local flea markets, auctions, and thrift stores. Check out online platforms like OfferUp and Facebook for deals. Most importantly, have fun! We love our flipping business and the freedom it provides.

Are you interested in learning how to buy and sell and becoming a flipper?

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