Earning an Extra $1,000 in Your Free Time Using Facebook

Earning an Extra $1,000 in Your Free Time Using Facebook

Today, I want to share a fun interview that shows you how to make money with Facebook ads. I recently interviewed Bobby Hoyt, a former high school teacher who paid off $40,000 in student loan debt in just a year and a half. Now, he runs the personal finance blog MillennialMoneyMan.com full-time and also operates a digital marketing agency for local businesses, which he started in 2015.

In 2017, Bobby made nearly $200,000 online from both of his ventures!

If you’re looking for a new business or a side hustle to earn extra money, learning how to make money running Facebook ads for local businesses might be worth considering.

Before we dive into the interview, it’s worth mentioning that Bobby offers a course called the Facebook Side Hustle Course, which teaches you how to successfully make money running Facebook ads for local businesses.

In this interview, you’ll learn:
– How Bobby started making money through Facebook ads
– Why small businesses need Facebook ads
– How much you can earn from this kind of work
– And more!

Bobby has been featured on CNBC, Forbes, Business Insider, Reuters, MarketWatch, and many other major publications.

Bobby also offers free training on this topic. His free course will teach you how to start this business, find paying clients, and more.

Can you start by sharing your backstory and how you got into running Facebook ads for clients?
Sure! About three years ago, I was a high school band director and had just finished paying off $40,000 in student loan debt in a year and a half. Through that journey, I discovered my passion for personal finance and wanted to help others pay off their student loans too.

I started a blog called Millennial Money Man in my spare time. Although I was new to blogging, I enjoyed writing about money. However, I felt trapped in my teaching career and always dreamed of owning a small business.

After running Millennial Money Man for about six months, I took a leap of faith and left my teaching job in June 2015 to focus on my blog full-time. I quickly realized that blogging isn’t the fastest way to make money. I should have waited until I had a steady income from sponsors, affiliate income, and ads, but I didn’t. So, I needed to find another way to make money quickly.

After about three months of barely making anything from my blog, I had a lightbulb moment. I realized that the skills I used to grow my blog, like creating content and growing a social media following, could be applied to marketing services for small businesses. I noticed that many local business websites were poorly designed and their social media efforts were lacking.

I started pitching my services to local businesses and landed my first client, a jeweler who made my wife’s engagement ring. I wrote content for their blog, helped them rank better on Google, and eventually started running Facebook ads for them.

Over the past three years, I’ve grown both my marketing business and Millennial Money Man, allowing me to work online and enjoy a great lifestyle.

Can you share how you came up with the idea of teaching people how to make money running Facebook ads?
I was talking to a high school friend who now runs a dedicated Facebook ad agency. During our conversation, he suggested I create a course to teach my readers how to run Facebook ads for clients as a side hustle.

Initially, I didn’t think much of it, but I decided to test the idea in my private and public Facebook groups. To my surprise, hundreds of people expressed interest within 24 hours.

I partnered with my friend, Mike Yanda, to co-create the course. Mike has clients on four continents and makes $25,000-$30,000 a month running Facebook ads. Together, we created the Facebook Side Hustle Course.

Running Facebook ads has a low barrier to entry and high potential for success. You don’t need to know how to run a website or have technical knowledge to get started. Generating leads through Facebook ads is relatively easy compared to other marketing services.

Do small businesses really want Facebook ads? Why would they pay for a service like that?
Absolutely. Many small business owners use Facebook personally and see ads but don’t understand how they work. Facebook is a powerful marketing platform because it gathers a lot of data, making it easy to target customers. It’s also cheaper than traditional advertising methods like billboards and magazines.

However, it’s easy for business owners to waste money on Facebook ads if they don’t know what they’re doing. That’s where someone like me comes in, offering to run affordable ads that drive the right customers to their store. Business owners appreciate this low-risk opportunity, and it’s a system we teach in the course.

How much can you make doing this type of work, and how many hours does it take per week?
It’s common to charge $1,000 – $2,000 per month per client for lead-generating Facebook ads. This may seem like a lot, but it’s because you can track and report the results to the business owner, proving the value of the ads.

The most time-consuming part is the onboarding process, which takes about 3-4 hours per client campaign. After that, the ads run on autopilot, with occasional tweaks and communication with the client. Managing 1-3 clients is ideal for a well-paying side hustle that doesn’t take up all your extra time.

Is there an opportunity to grow this side hustle into a full-time business?
Definitely. If you manage ten clients, it becomes a full-time job, and you might need to hire an assistant to help. At that point, it turns into an agency rather than just a side hustle.

Once you get a few clients and do great work, they’ll refer you to other business owners. It’s almost like a badge of honor for them to have “a Facebook person.”

What exactly are people going to learn in the Facebook Side Hustle course, and is it affordable?
The course teaches you how to create profitable ads for local businesses so you can start making an extra $1,000-2,000 per month, even if you have no marketing or technology background.

Inside, you’ll learn:
– How Facebook Ads work
– How to create profitable ads with step-by-step video walkthroughs
– Strategies for troubleshooting ad problems
– Methods for targeting the right customers
– How to find your first clients
– Systems for tracking results and showing clients the value of your work
– The ins and outs of running a Facebook ad business

The course costs $247, which is much more affordable than similar courses that typically go for $1,000 or more. Plus, you can earn back the cost with just one client in the first month.

The course also includes access to a support group where students can ask questions and get advice. The first month of support is free, and then it’s $47 per month.

Think of it this way – you can get the course plus nearly a year and a half of support for the amount you can earn in the first month working with one client.

What do you think of this side hustle idea?

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