Depart Gracefully: Avoid These 6 Common Mistakes When Exiting Your Job

Depart Gracefully: Avoid These 6 Common Mistakes When Exiting Your Job

Before becoming a financial analyst, I worked as a retail manager full-time. Over the years, I saw many employees come and go. Some understood why they were being let go, but many were angry and acted out in harmful ways. I’ve dealt with yelling, thrown items, lies, and more.

These actions often backfired when they needed a recommendation letter or wanted to network later on. It’s not just my experience; I’ve heard plenty of horror stories about people quitting their jobs poorly. Whether you’re leaving due to a layoff, a new opportunity, or another reason, the following tips can help you leave on good terms. You never know when you might need a positive reference, a recommendation letter, or even your old job back.

Here are six tips on how to leave a job on good terms:

1. Be nice when leaving.
No matter why you’re leaving, always stay positive at work and around your colleagues. Avoid screaming, threatening, or mocking anyone. You don’t want to be remembered negatively, so being nice is essential. If possible, thank your employer for the opportunity to work there.

2. Give enough notice.
Giving notice is crucial. The standard notice period varies by industry and position, but it’s generally two weeks to a few months. If your employer will struggle to train a replacement, consider giving more time. However, be aware that in some industries, you may be asked to leave immediately after giving notice, especially if sensitive information is involved. Do your research to see what’s typical in your company.

3. Offer to train your replacement.
Even if you’re eager to leave, offering to train your replacement or be on call after you leave can leave a positive impression. It shows you care about the company and your colleagues.

4. Leave important data and supplies behind.
Always leave behind anything that isn’t yours. Stealing from your employer is a surefire way to leave on bad terms and could even result in a police report.

5. Provide quality work until the end.
It’s easy to get distracted when you’re about to leave a job, but you should still work hard. Keep providing the same quality of work, finish your tasks, arrive on time, and stay until the end of your workday.

6. Be smart on social media.
Social media isn’t private. Even if you’re not friends with your employer or coworkers, someone else might be. Be careful about what you post to avoid any negative repercussions.

What mistakes have you witnessed?

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