Embarking on a Full-Time RV Adventure!

Embarking on a Full-Time RV Adventure!

Can you believe it’s been almost five months since we bought our RV? We haven’t regretted it one bit. Traveling and working simultaneously has been amazing.

We’ve been living in the RV almost full-time, except for about 6 or 7 days when we’ve gone home to host out-of-town visitors. Starting February 2016, we’re planning to travel and work in the RV full-time. Yes, we’re getting rid of our house in Colorado and storing all our belongings!

I’m super excited about this decision and I’m sure the next year, or however long we do this, will be fantastic. Many of you have asked about life now that I’m working full-time in the RV while traveling. Well, it’s been a blast.

We’ve traveled to many places in the U.S. over the past few months and have some thrilling plans for 2016. There have been some challenges with working on the road, but nothing that makes me want to stop RVing. The biggest issue is that Wi-Fi and cell service can be unreliable.

The only downside to RVing is not knowing if you’ll have service. This is the main challenge when it comes to working on the road. There have been times when I’ve wanted to throw my laptop and phone out the RV window due to lack of Wi-Fi or cell service for days. Sometimes the signal is great, and other times it’s like being on Mars trying to find a signal. For instance, it took me a few days to upload this blog post because I only had a few hours of service over four days.

It’s not always bad, though. We’re currently experiencing poor Wi-Fi because we’re moving quickly and stopping at remote campgrounds. I know that once we slow down, finding Wi-Fi won’t be as challenging.

Many of you have asked what I use for internet. I use a Verizon MiFi Jetpack.

Affiliate income has made RV living easier. Since I can’t always work due to unreliable Wi-Fi, it’s nice not having too many deadlines. I’m on track to earn around $30,000 a month from affiliate programs, which is fantastic!

Working ahead has been a lifesaver. Most of my posts for the next few months are already written. Of course, there are some posts, like this one, that I write as late as possible because they’re life updates. Working ahead helps me stay calm when I don’t have a signal because I don’t have many urgent tasks anymore.

Scheduling my pins on Pinterest through Tailwind has also been incredibly helpful. I highly recommend it if you’re trying to boost your Pinterest traffic.

Overall, I love traveling and working on the road. I don’t see that changing anytime soon. I’m having a great time seeing new places, meeting new people, spending more time with Wes and our dogs, and more. It’s not a full-time vacation, but it often feels that way!

Are you interested in traveling and working on the road at the same time? Why or why not?

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