A Comprehensive Guide to Becoming an Au Pair and Exploring the Globe

A Comprehensive Guide to Becoming an Au Pair and Exploring the Globe

Today, I have a special post from my sister about how to become an au pair. She’s currently an au pair in Italy and also writes about healthy living, traveling, and money at FITnancials.com. I asked her to share her insights on my blog because it’s such an interesting topic. Enjoy!

Hi there! I’m Alexis, Michelle’s sister, and the writer at Fitnancials.com. I’ve been traveling about once a month for nearly two years. Right now, I’m living in Bologna, Italy, a city with around 400,000 people. Bologna is famous as Italy’s food capital, so every dinner is amazing, and there’s plenty of aged wine.

Traveling can be expensive, especially for a college student living independently. But exploring new cultures and seeing the world makes me happy, so I find ways to travel no matter my budget. Last summer, I lived in Peru, volunteering at a special needs orphanage and living on just $20 a day. Recently, I decided to save even more money by becoming an au pair, which costs me nothing.

Here are some common questions I’ve received about becoming an au pair. If you have more questions, feel free to leave a comment below.

**How to become an au pair:**

**How much does an au pair make monthly?**
In Italy, an au pair can expect to earn about $250-$350 USD per month. In places like Australia or New Zealand, you might make that amount weekly. I chose Europe because I wanted to see it more than Australia, which I visited during winter break.

**What are the benefits of becoming an au pair?**
Traveling around Europe is easy and efficient. Last week, I visited Florence, Milan, Padua, Zurich, Munich, and even had a quick stop in Austria. For six cities in four countries, I spent just 75 euros, about $85 USD.

As an au pair, most of my expenses are covered. My host family and I agreed on the following:
– An iPhone with texting, internet, and calls.
– Groceries, including special vegan items.
– Free trips with the family, including visits to their beach house on the Adriatic Sea.
– Use of a Fiat car, although I rarely drive in Italy.
– My own room and bathroom, free laundry, and access to everything in the house. Plus, I get free room and board close to downtown Bologna.

Learning the native language is easier when you’re immersed in the culture, and there are usually free language classes if you look for them. I’m taking Italian classes four hours a week for free, and there are weekly tandem meetups at local pubs. If you’re interested in romance, Bologna is full of single Italian men and women and is home to the oldest university in the Western Hemisphere.

**What are the negatives of becoming an au pair?**
While being an au pair is great, there are some downsides:
– You’re living with parents again.
– You essentially live at work.
– The kids could be difficult.
– You might end up working extra hours without a say unless you’re willing to have an uncomfortable conversation with the parents you live with.

**How do you find a host family and become an au pair?**
I found my host family through AuPairWorld, a popular and free website for finding host families. I did all the work myself, which was easy. Some people use agencies but often regret it because they cost time and money and require lots of paperwork. Agencies can also charge over $500 for just three months. I found my Italian host family on my own in just three days. We finalized our contract after a Skype interview with the parents and two more interviews with their son, Tomasso.

My job is simply to speak English; I don’t do chores, house cleaning, or errands.

**What questions should a potential au pair ask a host family?**
Before accepting an au pair position, ask the family several questions:
– What is the work schedule? European rules state you shouldn’t work more than five hours a day and should have at least one full day off per week.
– What are the au pair’s expectations?
– Is the au pair more of a “big sister/brother” or a babysitter with chores and errands?
– How well does the family speak English?
– Will you be paid extra if the child is sick or if the parents have a date night?

**Other tips on how to become an au pair:**
Choosing a family with references is helpful, but it shouldn’t be the only factor. Some of my friends chose families without references and had great experiences. If you’re only an au pair for a short time, pick a city with good transportation. Smaller cities might make traveling difficult during the workweek. I live in Bologna, Italy’s 7th largest city, making transportation easy.

Lastly, take current au pair references with a grain of salt. They might feel pressured to say good things about the family since they’re still living there.

**My au pair experience:**
My au pair experience has been incredibly positive. I’ve learned so much about Italian culture that I wouldn’t have known from just visiting. Being immersed in a different culture has made me more open-minded and allowed me to live like a native Italian.

**Would I recommend others become an au pair?**
It depends on your lifestyle and how much you enjoy being around kids. Surprisingly, I don’t want kids of my own, but I love working with them. This job isn’t for everyone, especially since you have to live under another family’s rules. If you’re unsure, try being an au pair for three months and extend if it’s a good fit. It’s one of the best ways to experience a culture without spending much money.

Are you interested in learning how to become an au pair? Why or why not?

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