10 Key Actions That Propelled My Blog to $5 Million Success

10 Key Actions That Propelled My Blog to $5 Million Success

One question I get a lot is how I built a successful blog. I love sharing this, but remember, everyone starts from a different place and has their own path to success. Plus, success means different things to different people.

Starting a blog is a lot of hard work, but it’s one of the best things I’ve ever done. I began Making Sense of Cents as a hobby, not knowing blogs could make money or become a full-time job. I didn’t even understand what a blog was at first.

Eventually, I learned you could make money blogging, and because it sounded fun, I gave it my all. The more time I spent on my blog, the more I wanted to make money from it, but I never planned for it to become my full-time career. I just wanted to pay off my student loans and stop living paycheck to paycheck.

I realized blogging was what I wanted to do with my life and that it was possible to make a full-time income. Once I committed to working as hard on my blog as on my full-time job, things took off! I’ve now earned over $5,000,000 from blogging, which still feels unreal. I never imagined this years ago.

Blogging has allowed my husband and me to quit our day jobs, travel full-time, see family and friends more, meet amazing people, and live a fulfilling life. Because blogging has been so positive for me, I want to share the 10 best things I did to grow my blog.

I’ve taken courses, learned from other bloggers, and gone through a lot of trial and error. I’m not perfect, but I’ve learned a lot over the years. I hope today’s tips help you build a successful blog.

Here are the 10 best things I did to build a successful blog:

1. **I switched to self-hosted WordPress and bought a domain name**: For almost my first year of blogging, I didn’t own my domain name or have a self-hosted site, which was a huge mistake. Not being self-hosted meant I had no control over my blog, and Google accidentally shut it down once. I quickly switched to self-hosted WordPress after that. Owning your domain and being self-hosted gives you control and security over your blog.

2. **I started an email list**: I waited years to start an email list, which was a mistake. Starting an email list early would have helped me make more money and be less stressed. I use Convertkit, which has a free plan for new bloggers. An email list helps grow your blog’s income and readership by sharing additional resources and attracting new readers.

3. **I added affiliate marketing to my blog**: I thought you needed a huge following to make money with affiliate marketing, but I was wrong. Affiliate marketing is now my main income source. It’s easy to share products and services related to your blog’s niche, and it can be a passive income source. Write honest reviews, ask for raises, build relationships with affiliate managers, and don’t overdo the links.

4. **I write content well in advance**: Writing and publishing content on the same day was stressful. Now, I aim to be 1-2 months ahead. This reduces stress and allows me to focus on other areas of my blog. Batch writing content also helps maintain a good work-life balance.

5. **I write about topics that interest me**: I always ensure I’m interested in the topics I write about because if I’m not, my readers probably won’t be either. Writing about interesting topics makes blogging enjoyable and helps attract readers. Do thorough research, be personal, write helpful and long content, proofread, and keep a list of topics.

6. **I enjoy talking to readers and helping them**: I love responding to comments, messages, and emails. It keeps me motivated to write helpful content and engage with readers. Blogging is personal, and getting to know and help readers on a personal level is rewarding.

7. **I am always learning**: Blogging is a never-ending learning process. I learn through courses, resources, and trial and error. Blogging constantly evolves, so you must be willing to try new things and learn from failures.

8. **I see the value in making connections and helping others**: Networking with other bloggers is helpful. Attend blogging conferences, share content, comment on posts, and make friends with bloggers. Networking can help you enjoy blogging, learn new things, make valuable connections, and grow your blog.

9. **I put in the time**: Blogging takes time and effort. The average new blogger quits after six months, but that’s not enough time to build a successful blog. It took me six months to make my first $100. I spent many hours blogging, and during the first year, I barely made any money. But putting in the work laid the foundation for my success.

10. **I realize that sharing your blog is important**: Writing great content is not enough; you need to share it. Spend a lot of time sharing your content and growing your blog. Use social media, publish consistently, guest post on other blogs, brainstorm better titles, and learn SEO strategies.

These are the 10 best things I did to build my blog. Remember, blogging is not a get-rich-quick scheme. It takes time, effort, and a willingness to learn and try new things. If you have questions about starting a blog, I’ve written many helpful articles on this topic. Feel free to check them out and start your blogging journey today!

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