Financial Insights: Updates on Spending, Lifestyle, and Income

Financial Insights: Updates on Spending, Lifestyle, and Income

Hey everyone! The weekend flew by, but I took a half day today, so that’s something to look forward to. The weekend was fun—I went to several bars and hung out with friends. On Saturday, we drove around and went shooting since my boyfriend got a new gun.

Today, I’m visiting the dermatologist for a bad skin issue I’ve been dealing with (I got some nasty spots on my back after a trip to Hawaii, and it’s spreading). I’m finally getting a second opinion and hoping it starts to clear up soon. Wish me luck!

Later, I’m going Halloween costume shopping and then heading out to dinner with some friends. I’m still unsure about what to dress up as, and I really don’t want to spend $75 on a costume I’ll only wear once. What are your plans for Halloween?

If you’re a Cardinals fan, this weekend was pretty disappointing. Hopefully, we can bounce back tonight!

Here are my updates:

Spending: We spent quite a bit again this weekend, mostly on dining out and drinks with friends. It’s something we need to work on, but we had a good time, so I’m not too upset about it. My boyfriend did get a new gun, but he did a straight trade at Cabela’s, so we didn’t lose any money.

Extra Monthly Income: This was another good week. I made around $950 from my side hustles. The amount would have been less since it was a slower week, but I got paid for past work just last week (I don’t count it until I actually have the money). Many of you have been emailing me about my extra income, so feel free to ask any questions!

Food: We’re improving but still not perfect. I’m going out to dinner with friends tonight, but our goal is to cook dinner at home from Tuesday through Friday this week.

Being Healthy: I’m doing okay numbers-wise (I weigh 120 right now), but I need to work on running more and getting toned. My eating habits have improved a lot, though.

How’s your spending, working out, and extra income going?

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