Recent Insights on Spending, Lifestyle, Earnings, and Food Trends

Recent Insights on Spending, Lifestyle, Earnings, and Food Trends – 5/7/2012

Hey everyone! The weekend flew by, and once again, I slept a ton without really knowing why. We got a lot done around the house—cleaned up, mowed the lawns, pulled weeds, and tidied up the garage.

I’ve got a bunch of questions in my updates today, so if you can help, please do! I like posting questions because I know some of you might have the same ones, and we can all get answers together.

It was super hot this weekend. If you’re from the STL area, you know how humid and gross it gets. It was between 90-95 degrees with awful humidity.

We didn’t do much for Cinco de Mayo either. Our favorite Mexican restaurant had a huge line, so we decided to eat something else. It was just too hot to wait outside. What did you do?

My sister is moving in soon. She started bringing over small things yesterday. We agreed she’d pay $250 a month, which covers everything. It feels weird taking money from my little sister, but she’s 19 and an adult. Do any of you live with a sibling? How’s it going for you?

Getting rid of my work outfit laziness: I’m still doing pretty well, but I was a bit lazy with my outfits last week. Now that it’s hot, I’ll be wearing more skirts and cute office clothes. I haven’t been to H&M in forever, so I might go soon for new work clothes.

School: No more classes! This is my last week of classes. It’ll be so nice to have a whole month off. Just going to the office instead of rushing to class after work will be great. I’m sure my work will appreciate that I’m less stressed too. Is anyone else done with school?

Extra Monthly Income: I didn’t make much last week—about $10 from secret shops and surveys. I had some sponsored post offers, but they weren’t very relevant to my blog. Most came from Have any of you used them? They don’t offer much, but the posts are short, so it makes sense.

I also sold a book yesterday, but I don’t count it as “extra income” since I paid for part of it with cash and some with swagbucks at the beginning of the semester. But I did make $135!

Budget Cutting: I haven’t cut anything out yet. I need to call the cable company to see if we can lower our bill since our contract is up soon. If they don’t give us a “new customer” deal, we might switch companies and save about $30 a month.

Spending: I didn’t spend too much last week, but I still need to return some items to Forever 21. I only have a few days left to do it, so I need to check the receipt. I hope the return window hasn’t passed.

Food: I spent most of my money on food this week. I bought something almost every day, whether it was lunch at work or dinner with friends. I wasn’t interested in what we had at home. I spent way too much! This week, we need to focus on lowering our food expenses. If you have any new recipes you love, please share! I feel like I’m running out of ideas.

Working Out: I didn’t do any workouts last week. I felt really busy. With classes ending soon, I need to promise myself this will change. I would have gone running with my dog, but it was just too hot, and I’m not used to the heat yet. Just last week, I wore my coat one day. I hate the changing Midwest weather!

My sister, who’s already super skinny, told me she lost 9 inches off her waist. I don’t know where those inches came from because she was already thin! She’s spending $1,300 for three months of personal training, so I’m glad it’s working because that’s a lot of money. Have any of you had success with a trainer?

How’s your spending going? Have you cut anything out of your budget?

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