The Irresistible Benefits of a Nomadic Lifestyle – How I Earned $21K in May

The Irresistible Benefits of a Nomadic Lifestyle – How I Earned $21K in May

Today, I want to share a post from one of my favorite new bloggers, Christine. She’s amazing and made over $21,000 in May from her online work.

I’ve always loved the idea of traveling. Growing up in New Zealand was great, but by my teenage years, I was ready for more. After finishing my degree, which I never really used, I decided to head to Asia on a whim. I spent three months backpacking through Laos, Thailand, Cambodia, and Vietnam, and then moved on to India.

My trip ended up lasting 2.5 years and took me across several continents. Along the way, I worked as an English teacher in the Czech Republic, an au pair in Spain, and even started a travel blog. Eventually, I ran out of money but my love for travel never faded.

I wasn’t going to let money stop me. I began freelance writing online and my travel blog gained traction. Now, a few years later, the income from blog advertising is enough to support me fully. Despite building a successful business, my desire to travel hasn’t gone away. On July 30th, my partner and I are moving overseas indefinitely.

We’re becoming location independent. Technically, we already are since we can earn a living from anywhere, but we haven’t fully embraced it yet. There are so many benefits to being location independent and we’re excited to take full advantage of them when we leave New Zealand.

Here are some perks we’re looking forward to:

1) No More Taxes
I appreciate New Zealand’s affordable education, free public healthcare, and great roads, but I don’t want to pay taxes when I’m not living there. We plan to set up our banking in Dubai and possibly start a company there to avoid tax liabilities in New Zealand. This will help us save a significant amount of money and improve our financial future.

2) Leveraging Currency
New Zealand is expensive. We spend at least $1,000 a month on groceries and $360 per week on our small apartment. Many parts of the world, like Spain, Portugal, Eastern Europe, Asia, and Central America, offer much better value. For example, dining out in Asia is cheaper than buying ingredients and cooking at home in New Zealand. A massage that costs $120 in New Zealand is only $6-10 in Asia. Leveraging currency will allow us to increase our quality of life while reducing costs.

3) Exploring New Places
I love exploring new places, getting lost in the sights, sounds, and smells of a new town. Engaging with different cultures and learning about the world is something I truly enjoy. Being able to work from anywhere means we can explore new places without pausing our careers or draining our savings. This is a huge bonus for me.

4) Great Weather
While some people love winter, I don’t. I’d rather be on a beach, sipping a coconut, waiting for my next massage, and watching the waves. I joke that I’m “solar powered” and need sunshine to function, but there’s some truth to it. I’m happier and more productive when it’s warm. As winter approaches in New Zealand, it’s my cue to leave.

There are many perks to being location independent, and I’m excited to start this new chapter. Financially, being location independent will help us save a lot of money. Considering I paid over $6,000 in tax last month alone, the savings from being non-tax residents will be significant.

In the coming months, I’ll be posting updates on becoming a non-tax resident, being location independent, what I’m taking on the road to work productively, and more. I’d love for you to follow along on this exciting adventure.

Have you heard of location independence before? Would you consider trying it for a year or two? Let me know if you have any questions – I’d love to answer them.

Christine Berry is a finance blogger at Wealth Way Online. Follow her journey to diversify her income, become location independent, travel the world while volunteering, and build personal wealth. In May, she made over $21,000 in online income.

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