Updates on Expenditure, Lifestyle, Earnings, and Culinary Trends

Updates on Expenditure, Lifestyle, Earnings, and Culinary Trends

Happy Monday! My weekend was pretty relaxing, even though I had a lot of things that needed to get done. Halloween took over my life this weekend, and I loved every minute of it!

Many of you were curious about my skin issues from last week. It turns out there wasn’t much to worry about. I got some pills to help with the white spots. The dermatologist mentioned that while the spots aren’t a big deal, they are tough to get rid of completely and might keep coming back. Thankfully, he gave me extra prescriptions to save on future visits.

The Halloween costume I mentioned on Saturday was a total flop. Clearly, I have no crafty skills.

The boy has a vacation in December. His work said he doesn’t have to take it since it’s unpaid, but it’s also a slow week for him, so he probably won’t miss out on much. We’re thinking about going snowboarding and skiing in Colorado. I’ve never done either, so it sounds like a fun trip.

Does anyone have recommendations for good resorts or hotels in Colorado? We’re considering Vail, as long as it’s not too pricey. If we go, it will be the week before Christmas. We’re still deciding whether to drive or fly since the cost is about the same.

If you have any tips or blog posts about a Vail trip, please share them!

Here are my updates:

Spending: We did okay with spending this week, but it wasn’t great. We didn’t spend much on food and nothing on drinks, but we went to the movies (matinee, so only $7.50 each) and rented a lot of movies, which added up.

Extra Monthly Income: I didn’t make as much extra income last week compared to recent weeks, around $250. This is why I don’t rely on extra income—it’s not stable! But I still enjoy it.

I’m also trying to use Swagbucks more. I haven’t used it in a while but plan to for some extra Christmas money. If you want to join Swagbucks, please use my affiliate code. I love Swagbucks and have earned over $200 in gift cards just by searching online.

Food: We’ve been doing better with our food habits. Our goal is to eat at home from Monday through Friday this week. I’m planning meals today and will go shopping after work. If you have any good recipes, please share them in the comments!

Being healthy: No comment… I’ll do better today.

How’s your spending, working out, and extra income going?

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