A Decade and $5 Million In: My Passion for Blogging and the Lessons I’ve Gained

A Decade and $5 Million In: My Passion for Blogging and the Lessons I've Gained

It’s been 11 years since I started Making Sense of Cents, and I’m still amazed that this is my job! Back in August 2011, when I first opened my laptop to start this blog, I had no clue what I was doing or that blogs could make money. It all began as a hobby because I loved reading personal finance blogs and thought, why not start my own?

At the time, I had no big dreams or goals for my blog. I was completely anonymous, using a fake name, and didn’t even tell friends or family about it. For the entire first year, only Wes and my sister knew what I was up to.

A lot has changed since then! What started as a fun way to share my story has grown into a platform with millions of readers and lifelong friendships. Plus, I’ve earned a great income that allows me to retire whenever I want, and I love what I do.

Running my own business and working minimal hours means I can spend lots of free time with my husband and our baby girl. It’s a dream come true. Since blogging is a remote job, I can do it while traveling with my family, allowing us to hike, snorkel, bike, and explore new places. My business runs in the background, providing for us even when I’m relaxing at home.

My blog has become a wonderful business that lets me enjoy my work, have a flexible schedule, and make a good living. It’s amazing how little I knew about blogging when I started. I’m not a tech expert or a writer, and many people assume you need to be both to start a successful blog. But that’s far from the truth. Many successful bloggers, including myself, started on a whim and learned as they went.

Blogging was something I did in addition to my full-time job as a financial analyst. About two years in, I quit my day job to blog full-time in 2013. Here are some fun stats about Making Sense of Cents:
– My first blog post was published on August 10, 2011.
– I’ve published 2,072 articles.
– I’ve received 134,434 emails from readers.
– I have 67,410 comments on my blog posts.
– I’ve personally replied to over 21,488 comments.
– It took me six months to earn my first $100 from the blog.

I started Making Sense of Cents after reading about a personal finance website in a magazine. It was purely a hobby to track my financial situation. I had no idea blogs could make money or that people did this full-time. Back in 2011, I was working as an analyst at an investment banking and valuation firm. I had a stressful job with lots of deadlines and responsibilities that didn’t interest me. Blogging was an outlet for my stressful day job, and my interest quickly grew.

I didn’t start Making Sense of Cents intending to make money, but after six months, I began earning through sponsored partnerships. A friend I met through the blogging community connected me with an advertiser, and I earned $100 from my first deal. That sparked my interest, and I decided to take my blog more seriously.

Blogging has allowed me to take control of my finances, work from home, travel whenever I want, and have a flexible schedule. All of this happened because I started a random blog eleven years ago. I’ve made many mistakes along the way, but I’ve continued to learn and improve, shaping this blog into what it is today.

I was afraid to quit my job for a blog, and people thought I was crazy. But today, I’m going to share 11 things I love and have learned about blogging over the past 11 years.

1. I love being my own boss. I enjoy deciding what I do each day, creating my own schedule, and handling behind-the-scenes work.
2. Having a flexible schedule changes your life. I can work whenever I want and schedule fun activities during the day.
3. Being location independent is wonderful. I can work from anywhere, allowing me to live in an RV or on a sailboat.
4. Success takes time. Many bloggers quit after a few months, but good things take time.
5. Don’t write when you feel forced. I write best when I’m inspired, not on a deadline.
6. Get ready to learn. Blogging is a learning process, and the industry is always changing.
7. Stop seeing other bloggers as competition. Networking is important and can help you grow your blog.
8. You don’t need previous experience to be successful. Many bloggers, including myself, started with no experience.
9. You can make a living blogging. It’s not a get-rich-quick scheme, but it’s possible to earn a good income.
10. I love actually enjoying what I do for work. Blogging is a passion of mine, and I enjoy every aspect of it.
11. The beginning will be tough. Starting a new business is hard, but it’s worth it.

What’s next? My main goal is to get everything planned and scheduled for the next several months. Being a new mom takes up a lot of my time, so being ahead on work makes life easier. I’m also working on finding new ways to grow Making Sense of Cents, possibly through TikTok or Instagram Reels, and continuing to grow my SEO traffic.

I’m so grateful for all of you and happy that you’re here. If there’s anything you’d like me to write about, please email me at michelle@makingsenseofcents.com or leave a comment below. Thank you for being a reader of Making Sense of Cents!

There are many valuable, free resources for bloggers! I didn’t spend any money in the beginning to learn how to blog. Instead, I signed up for free webinars and email courses. You can do the same!

– Start with my free blogging course, How To Start A Blog FREE Course.
– Check out my free 36-page ebook, Affiliate Marketing Tips For Bloggers.
– Watch the free video training, How To Increase Your Google Traffic.
– Use The Free Blogging Planner, a workbook I created with printables for starting your blog, creating posts, and more.

Are you interested in starting a blog or your own business? What questions do you have for me? Learn how to make money with your blog by subscribing to get my free 36-page ebook.

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