Strategies for Creating Extra Time to Boost Your Income

Strategies for Creating Extra Time to Boost Your Income

Almost everyone wants to find ways to make more money. It’s only natural since earning more can help you:

– Pay off debt
– Travel more
– Retire early
– Stop living paycheck to paycheck
– Afford the things you want in life

One major obstacle to making more money is often a lack of time. The key to managing side hustles and earning more depends on how much you want it. Some people might not be as motivated, and that’s okay. But if you’re serious about making more money, you’ll need to carve out time in your day.

Imagine what you could achieve with an extra 5-10 hours each week. Whether you want to turn your side hustle into a full-time job, meet a financial goal, or something else, finding ways to make more money can significantly change your life.

I no longer do side hustles, but I’m always looking for ways to boost my income. In the past, I juggled side hustles, a full-time job, college, volunteering, and more. Now, I focus on my business and maintaining a good work-life balance.

Here are my tips for finding time to make more money:

### Be Realistic About Your Time
Everyone has 24 hours in a day, but circumstances can make some people busier than others. Be honest with yourself about how much time you really have to dedicate to making more money. You don’t want to overextend yourself and neglect important aspects of your life.

Many people have more free time than they realize. For one week, track how you spend your time to identify any wasted hours. You might be surprised at how much extra time you can find.

### Wake Up Earlier
When I had a day job, I woke up one to two hours before I needed to get ready for work to focus on my side hustles. This included replying to emails, brainstorming ideas, managing my blog, and more. Waking up early can be tough, but it’s rewarding to get things done before the workday starts.

If mornings aren’t your thing, try working on your side hustle before bed. Spending just two hours a day can add up to 10 hours a week.

### Eliminate Time Wasters
Think about how much time you spend watching TV or browsing social media. The average person in the U.S. spends 40 hours a week watching TV and movies, and nearly two hours a day on social media. Teenagers spend even more time on social media. That’s a lot of wasted time.

### Use Short Gaps Wisely
Everyone has short gaps in their day, like waiting for a meeting to start or before picking up the kids from school. Instead of wasting this time, use it productively.

### Multitask Correctly
Multitasking can be effective if it doesn’t reduce the quality of your work. For example, you can work while cooking or do short exercises. Just be mindful that some people aren’t good at multitasking, and it can sometimes lead to wasted time.

### Rethink Your Commute
If you use public transportation, consider working on your side hustle during your commute. Even if it’s just brainstorming ideas, this can be a productive use of your time.

### Stay Organized
Being organized can save you time and help you make more money. The average person spends 12 days a year looking for lost items, and office workers spend 1.5 hours a day searching for things. Staying organized can save you significant time.

### Use Your Lunch Time Strategically
When I had a day job, I used my lunch hour for side hustles. Bringing lunch from home saved me money and gave me a full hour to work on my projects. That’s five extra hours a week just from using lunch breaks wisely.

What do you do to save time and make more money? Do you have any time management tips to share?

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